

Sales Fundamentals


Although the definition of a sale is simple enough, the process of turning someone into a buyer can be very complex. It requires you to convince someone with a potential interest that there is something for them in making their interest concrete – something that merits spending some of their hard-earned money.

The Sales Fundamentals workshop will give participants a basic sales process, plus some basic sales tools, that they can use to seal the deal, no matter what the size of the sale. Your participants will become more confident, handle objections, and learning how to be a great closer.


What’s Included?

Wiki_tick  Unlimited lifetime access
Wiki_tick  Access anywhere, any time
Wiki_tick  Fast effective training, written and designed by industry experts
Wiki_tick  Track your progress with our Learning Management System
Wiki_tick  Unlimited support
Wiki_tick  Save money, time and travel costs
Wiki_tick  Learn at your own pace and leisure
Wiki_tick  Easier to retain knowledge and revise topics than traditional methods

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