

Wireless Hacking for Cyber Professionals


Dive into the field of Cyber Security with this ’Wireless Hacking for Cyber Professionals’ training course. You will learn wireless hacking terminology and how to use these skills to become a paid security professional. Get started now with topics such as advanced wireless security, Wifi Pineapples, Bluetooth scanning, and so much more. Length: 1.5 hrs


With this Wireless Hacking for Cyber Professionals course you will learn to understand and prevent advanced wireless attacks. By the time you’ve completed this course, you will have a firm grasp on the tools and techniques related to hacking, auditing, and pen testing wireless network protocols.

The demand for Certified Ethical Hackers, Cyber Security Engineers, Administrators, Consultants, Architects, Business Analysts, Project Managers, etc. is immense. This course will put you on an attainable path to helping businesses protect their digital assets in the cloud and on-premise. You can do it!

What’s Included?

Wiki_tick  Unlimited  12 months access
Wiki_tick  Access anywhere, any time
Wiki_tick  Fast effective training, written and designed by industry experts
Wiki_tick  Track your progress with our Learning Management System
Wiki_tick  Unlimited support
Wiki_tick  Save money, time and travel costs
Wiki_tick  Learn at your own pace and leisure
Wiki_tick  Easier to retain knowledge and revise topics than traditional methods
Wiki_tick  Exam preparation quizzes, tests and mock exams to ensure that you are 100% ready

£119.00Add to basket


1. Wireless Hacking for Cyber Professionals

Advanced Wireless Security (14:08)
Wireless Security Course Vat (7:46)
Wifi Pineapple – Unbranded (8:45)
Bluetooth Hacking with Ubertooth (15:00)
Bluetooth-Low-Energy-Unbranded (10:42)
Bluetooth Scanning (7:03)
Software Defined Radio (5:35)
Hacking Over Wireless with Metasploit (10:56)

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